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Fallout New Vegas Map Expansion Mod

New Mods for Fallout: New Vegas

New Area and Quests

The North Road

The North Road is a mod that adds a new area and quests to the game. The area is called the North Road, and it is located to the north of the Mojave Wasteland. The mod adds new enemies, new weapons, and new armor. It also adds a new companion, a dog named Dogmeat.

Dungeon Expansion

World of Pain

World of Pain is a huge dungeon expansion mod for Fallout: New Vegas. It adds a new dungeon called the World of Pain, which is located in the Big MT area. The dungeon is filled with new enemies, new traps, and new puzzles. It also adds a new boss, a giant robot called the Colossus.

Improved Mojave

The Living Desert

The Living Desert is a mod that adds consequences to choices and makes the existing Mojave better. It adds new events, new dialogue, and new endings. It also adds a new perk, the Living Desert perk, which gives the player bonuses to survival in the Mojave Wasteland.


Nexus Mods
